support us by donating

Your donations directly support our work and make an impact in invasive lobular carcinoma research.

Contact Dr. Sikora directly if you have questions about how your donations can support and advance our research program.


Your donations can directly support research in the Sikora Lab on lobular breast cancer through the Lobular Breast Cancer Research Fund

This fund has been established through the generous support of our patient advocate partners, and ensures that 100% of your gift goes to ILC research.

***Update, September 2024: The CU Office of Advancement has transitioned to a new giving platform. Please see below instructions, or reach out to Dr. Sikora directly.

Make your contribution safely and securely, either as a one-time or recurring gift. Navigate to our CU giving page and complete the form. 

The Lobular Breast Cancer Research Fund was established through the generous support of Dr. Sikora's patient advocate mentors and partners Leigh Pate (@LPseattle) and Lori Petitti (@hiplinemedia), co-founders of the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance. Leigh and Lori's initiation of this fund provides a path for donations to go directly to lobular breast cancer research.

“I support the Lobular Breast Cancer Research Fund because funding dedicated ILC researchers like Dr. Sikora is critical to accelerate the scientific discoveries that will save lives.”  -- Leigh

“Supporting ILC research in your community - as a volunteer advocate or by donating - will bring better treatments to patients, faster.”  -- Lori

Lobular Breast Cancer
Research Fund in Action

Learn more about how donations to the LBCRF support research in the Sikora Lab and make new research efforts possible.